We Are Robyn Provider, Provider Takeover, 2021.
On-air radio interview about Dietetics on The Professional's Round Table - February 22, 2017
Nutrition Table at Go Red For Women NYC Luncheon at Midtown Hilton NYC on March 10th, 2016.
Nutrition Table at The Macy's Mommy & Me Fashion Show sponsored by the American Heart Association/Go Red on April 30, 2016
#Foodporn: Why Food Is So Closely Tied To Our Memories - December 15, 2014
How to Maintain Balance Between A Healthy Lifestyle And A Fun Social Life - April 8, 2014
The Heartbreak Diet: Why Chocolate Is Just As Good As Any Man - February 27, 2014
Post-Thanksgivukkah and Pre-New Year’s Diet Tips - December 17, 2013